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Locate Laptop 1.0 Anti-Theft and Tracking System

Locate Laptop 1.0 Anti-Theft and Tracking system

Locate Laptop 1.0 Anti-Theft and Tracking system. A recent survey stated that on an average 60 laptops are stolen or lost every week! What you lose is not only the laptop, but also valuable, sensitive and creative information in it. Do you have a plan to counter this yet? Locate Laptop is a system that locates reportedly stolen laptop, from the world wide web. And what more, it silently transfers your critical information on our secure data server. Laptop Locator also encrypts your sensitive information, without the knowledge of the offender!

* Provides current location along with IP address and service provider.
* Customise reporting on Laptop Location as per your choice.
* Secure web page for every user to monitor the laptop/ persons location.
* Remotely launch the data encryption once theft is reported.
* Automatic/ silent data encryption if Laptop is not connected to internet for a specified period.
* Works in stealth mode.

* Fastest tracking of Laptop once theft is reported.
* Tracks the laptops/ Employee locations on regular basis.
* Protects Sensitive data/ information being used by competitors due to Laptop theft.
* Online location statistics is available any time from any where through http://www.locatelaptop.com.
* Reporting via email on regular intervals as per your choice.

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