Review: Khatta Meetha, a satirical swipe at corruption

Review: Khatta Meetha, a satirical swipe at corruption
Here's a character that seems to have been written only for Akshay Kumar. And he gets hold of the 'muddle' - class morality of Tichkule's world with delightful earnestness.(Text: IANS)

Review: Khatta Meetha, a satirical swipe at corruption
Frequently Akshay is exasperating in his efforts to explain why the middleclass is in a state of selfdestructive decline. But it isn't the actor to blame. It is the nature of the material offered to the actor.(Text: IANS)

Review: Khatta Meetha, a satirical swipe at corruption The domestic and professional world of Scahin Tichkule is not easy to penetrate. Akshay, demonstrating a primetime ripeness in his body language and repertoire of Chaplinesque expressions, enters this wacky wounded world of the exploited and the damned with extraordinary empathy. (Text: IANS)

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