Vidya Balan is out of Inder Kumar’s next Dhamaal 2 . The buzz in the trade is that Vidya was neither too happy with the money she was being offered for her role, nor with the role per se. A source says, “Vidya asked for a price which she deserves after she catapulted to the top bracket of actors, post the success of Paa and Ishqiya . She asked for Rs 1.5 crore (approximately). Like any other actor would in her place, she too has hiked up her market price.”
According to the filmindustry standards, the market prices of Kareena Kapoor and Katrina Kaif are believed to be Rs 1.5 crore (approximately) and that of Priyanka Chopra’s around Rs 1 crore. Hence, given Vidya’s career graph in Bollywood, it is surprising that neither Inder Kumar nor Ashok Thakeria, the producer of the film, objected to Vidya’s exit from the film. “Inder and Ashok failed to understand the need of the hour. Despite discussions, the makers of the film and the actress could not meet at a common consensus,” adds the source.
Meanwhile, Vidya’s friend insists the actress quit the project for qualitative reasons. She stands up for Vidya and says, “Yes, the news is true. Vidya is definitely not doing Dhamaal 2. But that’s simply because she didn’t find any meat in the portrayal of her character. She would have loved to attempt comedy with this film but it’s okay. There is always a next time.”
Interestingly, Vidya has locked horns with her Dhamaal 2 co-star Kangna Ranaut in another film Bullet Train, which is to be directed by Priyadarshan. Bullet Train, which stars Anil Kapoor and Ajay Devgn, is largely going to be shot on a train from London to Glasgow.
Producer of Bullet Train, Ratan Jain has clearly worked out the economics of his film much in advance. He has no qualms in giving the lead role to the actress who is willing to settle for the price he has to offer. He confirms, “Between Vidya and Kangna, whoever agrees to do the role at a lesser price, will get to play the part in my film. The availability of dates will of course be another important factor.”
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